Risk Assessment Survey

About Risk Assessment Survey

Risk assessment survey is a process of identifying, analyzing and evaluating risks through field surveys to obtain a Risk Profile, Estimated Maximum Loss & Probable Maximum Loss for fire incidents, machinery breakdown, business interruption and TPL which is complemented by a Key Risk Indicator Assessment.
The results of the risk assessment survey can minimize insurance premium costs for clients and speed up the process of obtaining bank financing.


  • Information to reduce the possibility of property loss due to fire, natural hazards and electrical or mechanical equipment.
  • Determine the severity of the risk and where losses are most likely to occur.
  • Identify equipment most at risk of damage.
  • Know PML & EML estimates based on scenarios and underwriting information needs.


  • Risk Awareness for asset & insurance owners
  • Asset Owner: Insurance program planning in determining Loss Limits, deductibles, TC policies according to needs and appropriate loss control program.
  • Insurance: As underwriting information in determining premium rates, TC policies that are in accordance with the needs and retention of treaty agreements & programs as well as minimizing legal claims from third parties.
  • Banks: Provide information to reduce NPL levels & provide information in making “go or no go” decisions to provide appropriate credit, interest rates and credit terms.

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